

This help lists the commands you can send by mail to Mailman list manager version 2.1.5. You will find below the description of the commands you can use to obtain information on subscribers and change options on the lists of the server.

The commands must be sent to the following email address:
For example, for the list used in this example, named "info", use:
« info-request@aide-alternc.org ».
Each command can be placed either in the Subject of the message, or in the body.

Most of those commands can also be accomplished through the web interface at the following address:
You can also use this interface to recover your password as a subscriber.

About the command description : Arguments between < and > are mandatory, those between [ and ] may be used if needed.
Don’t include the < > [ ] in your command arguments.

Mailman Commands by Mail

Confirm an action. The Confirmation String is required and is the one you will have in the confirmation email sent earlier by Mailman.

Stop the command processing. Use this if your email software adds a signature or ads to your outgoing emails.

List this list of commands.

Returns information on this mailing list.

Returns the list of public lists used in this Mailman server.

password [ [address=]
Recover or change your password. Without any argument, this command send your password back to you.
With and as arguments, it changes your password.

If you send a message from a different address than the one you are subscribe to, you can add the arguemnt "address=" (without the <> and without ""). The reply is always sent to the subscribed user.

set ...
Returns or set your subscriber options
Use "set help" (without quotes) to obtain a list of options you can use. Use "set show" (without quotes) to get your current list options.

subscribe [password] digest [address=]
This command subscribe your email or another one to the list. The password you will give will be your subscription password. You will need it to unsubscribe from the list or change any other option. If you don’t put a password in this command, mailman will generate one for you. Your password will sometime be sent to you periodically.

The next argument can be an option such as "digest" or "nodigest" to use the digest mode, where you receive the messages sent to the list every week or month, rather than as soon as they are sent.
If you send a message from a different address than the one you are subscribe to, you can add the arguemnt "address=" (without the <> and without ""). The reply is always sent to the subscribed user.

unsubscribe [passworf] [address=]
Cancel your subscription to the mailing list. If you give a password, it must be your current password. If you don’t give it, a confirmation message with a code will be sent to you. If you want to unsubscribe someone else, you can tell which email must be unsubscribe by using the « address=

 » option

who password [address=]
List the subscribed users of a list. It only returns you the list of subscribed users, no more information is given. You must give your subscriber list password to obtain the subscriber list. If you send your message using an email which is not your subscription email, use the « address= » option.

Author Benjamin Sonntag Published :

Translations : English, français