
Monthly History

The Monthly history shows you, month by month, the statistics of your website, as an histogram then as a table.

For example, in June 2009:
10 visitors did 52 visits. In the meantine, they saw 1528 pages and downloaded 10896 page elements, for a total of 46.06GB.

Statistics per day of the month

The next rubric shows the number of visits and statistics on these visits for each day of the month. The days with grey background are saturdays and sundays.

These statistics are shown as an histogram then as a table.

For example, on november 3rd, there were 212 visitors who saw 8422 pages and downloaded 21876 page elements, which consume 432.07MB of bandwidth.

Statistics per day of the week

This rubric shows you some statistics for each day of the week, and compute the average traffic for each day of the week, each monday, each tuesday ... of the current month.

These statistics are shown as an histogram then as a table, showing the following:

  • The average number of visited pages per day
  • The average number of hit per day
  • The bandwidth per day.

For example, in that case, the maximum of visits is on wednesdays, but the biggest bandwidth consumption is on Tuesdays.

Statistics per hour of the day

As for the statistics per day of the week, There is some statistics for each hour of the day. The average is computed for each hour of the day.

These statistics are, as usual, shown as an histogram then as a figure table, and shows the following information:

The maximum of visits for this website is around 11 - 12 in the morning, and the maximum bandwidth consumption hour is around 6 - 7 in the morning.

Author Benjamin Sonntag Published :

Translations : English, français